
Robert Pattinson's Sagging...

Robert Pattinson's knows for his British style, which I'd call "casual" boarding-school. I don't mind it a bit. Nice to see a hunk like him taking an interest in his clothes and appearance. This sentiment is especially true about this hair (irresistable). Been there done that, right? How about this black-and-white of "workout" Rob...

The scruff...I hope he let's it grow. I fantasize how he'd look with a beard. And the boxers! Rob a sagger? Yep! Makes you want to get behind him and pull his pants down and lick his cute ass.

I won't fixate on Rob's underwear but I do declare that it appears to be coming off dangerously close to his pubes? Take a gander (really, stare as long as you want...I encourage it).

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